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Zero Waste Solutions to Planetary Crises: Expert & political perspectives

Facilitated by Kim Hill

Panel Discussions  |  Networking  |  Drinks & Nibbles
Zero Waste Network and Aotearoa Plastic Pollution Alliance present:

Rutherford House, Wellington​
5:15pm – 7:30pm, 18th November 2024

5:15 – 5.45

5:45 – 6:30

6:30 – 6:45

6:45 – 7:15

Networking, drinks and nibbles

Expert panel discussions

Short break, more drinks and nibbles

Panel discussion with MPs (politicians)

Important ticketing information:

If you are holder of a Monday pass (day 1) or full summit pass to Zero Waste Aotearoa National Summit you are eligible to attend this event free of charge but you are required to RSVP. Spaces are limited so please make sure you book in.

If you are not a holder of a Monday pass (day 1) or full summit pass please purchase a ticket for the event.

Event description:

Five topics, five experts, and a response from politicians. 


Join the Zero Waste Network and the Aotearoa Plastic Pollution Alliance for not one but TWO panels, facilitated by legendary broadcaster, Kim Hill, to discuss some of the most challenging issues facing our planet.


Waste isn't just about landfills and plastic in the environment - sucking the earth's resources into the economy and spitting them back out again has an effect on the climate, biodiversity, human health, social justice and so much more. But what do we do about these multiple crises? 


Experts will speak to some of the most promising zero waste solutions to these crises: Bottle Deposits, Product Stewardship, the Right to Repair, using organic waste to restore degraded soils, and a global agreement to end plastic pollution, while also highlighting the false solutions that we must avoid. Our experts:​

Kim Hill 2021.JPG
Kim Hill


Sue Coutts profile.jpg
Sue Coutts

Director of External Affairs, Zero Waste Network,

formerly General Manager of Wastebusters

Jonathon Hannon.jpg
Dr Jonathon Hannon

Waste Services Manager,
Kawerau District Council

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Hollie Russell

Kaiarahi (Te Taitokerau) with Para Kore, Project Manager for the national composting project Whakahaumanu a Hineahuone

Paul Smith.jpg
Dr Paul Smith



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Watch this space!

Final panelist to be announced

After a short break, MPs will get a chance to respond to what they heard and discuss their position or policies on the key topic areas raised by the experts. We’ll be joined by MPs from across the political spectrum, including:

  • Kahurangi Carter (Greens) - Zero Waste Spokesperson, Member of Māori Affairs Select Committee

  • Hon Rachel Brooking (Labour) - Environment Spokesperson, Member of Environment Select Committee

  • Andy Foster (NZ First) - Member of Governance and Administration and Parliament Bill Select Committees, Chairperson of the Transport and Infrastructure Select Committee

  • Simon Court (ACT) - Climate Change, Infrastructure and Energy and Resources Spokesperson, Member of Environment Select Committee, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of Infrastructure and RMA Reform


Arrive any time from 5:15pm onwards to network with others over zero waste kai prepared by pay-as-you-feel community restaurant, Everybody Eats, and a range of drink options by local producers, including Garage Project and KB Kombucha. You’ll be delighted to know that the event is fully reusable, with serviceware provided by FillGood, Wellington’s citywide reusable serviceware system.


The panels will begin at 5:45pm sharp.

Thank you to our generous sponsors, Re.Group, Reloop, and Garage Project.

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Thank you to our event sponsors & supporters

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