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Monday 18th Nov 

Conference Day

The Big Picture

Join us on day one for loads of learning and big picture thinking with speaker sessions and panel discussions.

​​This day is designed to widen our lens and learn more of what our mahi contributes to on a national and global scale. We’ll also hear from others who are working alongside us for a better world. We hope you leave feeling inspired and hopeful.

We’ll start the day with two inspiring keynote sessions, and follow with four themed panel discussions.

Each of the four themed panel sessions will kick-off with a ten minute scene-setting presentation by a member of the Zero Waste Network, who will outline how the panel theme relates to the concept of zero waste and the zero waste movement in Aotearoa. The panel discussions will run as facilitated Q&A, featuring panelists with a range of backgrounds, expertise and experiences, to give their perspective on how zero waste relates to them and their mahi.

We will be wrapping up the day with a separately ticketed open-to-the-public evening event featuring two expert and political panels facilitated by veteran broadcaster, Kim Hill.

8:30 - 9:00

Registrations & coffee / tea

9:00 - 9:30

Pōwhiri & welcome to day

9:30 - 10:15

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Jacqui Forbes
Inspiration sessions

Keynote speaker: Jacqui Forbes and Rick Thorpe

The Whakapapa of Para Kore and Zero Waste

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Rick Thorpe
Anchor 1

Keynote speaker: Waveney Warth

Hey so how do you save the world?

Ever felt you needed a PhD just to work out how to buy a carbon-neutral planet-friendly ‘I’m not a bad person’ coffee?  What if there was a hack? Some blindingly simple principle that could be applied to everything from purchases to policy making?

Well, maybe there is. Over the course of 72 episodes, 2000 hours of research and hundreds of interviews completed for the How to Save the World podcast, Waveney Warth set about to answer this very question.  

In this keynote Waveney offers a pocket sized version of the quest and reveals what she found waiting at the end. 

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Waveney Warth

10:15 - 10:45

Connection session
Speed date our way to a waste free world

10:45 - 11:10

Morning tea

11:10 - 12:10

Presentation  |  Panel discussion

Zero waste is climate action

Join us as we explore the connection between waste and climate change, and consider how actions to reduce waste are essential for reducing emissions.
View speaker and panelists profiles here.

Scene-setting presentation

  • Liam Prince - Composter, research and advocacy: Zero Waste Network, Aotearoa Plastic Pollution Alliance, Kaicycle

Facilitated panel discussion Q&A   |  facilitated by Liam Prince

  • Geoff Simmons - Chief Economist, Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment

  • Dr Mike Joy - Senior Research Fellow and Lecturer in Environmental Science at Te Herenga Waka

  • Nadine Hura - Writer and zine maker

  • Climate Change Commission - panelist TBC


Questions from the audience

12:10 - 1:10

Presentation  |  Panel discussion

Zero waste & justice

This session unpacks how the zero waste movement can keep living up to its origin as an environmental justice movement committed to upholding the rights of both people and planet. What does a just transition to zero waste look like? How do we build Te Tiriti-based partnerships into our zero waste mahi and advocacy?

View speaker and panelists profiles here.


Scene-setting presentation

  • Cliff Colquhoun - Zero Waste Network, CEO Community, Business and Environment Centre, Kaitāia

Facilitated panel discussion Q&A   |  facilitated by Valerie Morse

  • Chris Ellis - CEO, Earthlink Incorporated

  • Sei Brown  - Senior Advisor, Localised; Acting GM, Zero Waste Network

  • Haimana Hirini - Kaiako, Taita College

  • Panelist TBC


Questions from the audience

1:10 - 2:05


2:05 - 3:05

Presentation  |  Panel discussion

Show me the money: Paying for zero waste mahi

Delve into sustainable ways of financing the operational side of resource recovery and other zero waste activities up the waste hierarchy. Panelists discussions will cover the levers and tools available (laws, taxation, product stewardship, CRS) to level the uneven playing field between the linear and circular economy and ensure the on-the-ground work of zero waste is properly paid for.

View speaker and panelists profiles here.

Scene-setting presentation

  • Sue Coutts - Director of External Affairs, Zero Waste Network

Facilitated panel discussion Q&A   |  facilitated by Matthew Luxon

  • Marty Hoffart - Director, Waste Watchers Ltd; Board Member, Zero Waste Network; Chairman, Environmental Education for Resource Sustainability Trust

  • Chris Gingell - Vice-President, Public Affairs (Pacific), Tomra

  • Hannah Blumhardt - Researcher for Āmiomio Aotearoa; Co-Founder, Reuse Aotearoa

  • Peter Nunns - Acting General Manager, Strategy, Te Waihanga, New Zealand Infrastructure Commission


Questions from the audience

3:05 - 3:30

Afternoon tea

3:30 - 4:30

Presentation  |  Panel discussion

More places like this: Towns, cities & regions

What does it take for a community, town, city, region or country to commit to a zero waste vision, and work together to make that happen? And what are the ripple effects and wider impacts when that vision is turned to reality?

View speaker and panelists profiles here.

Scene-setting presentation

  • Gina Dempster - General Manager, Wastebusters

Facilitated panel discussion Q&A   |  facilitated by Sophie Mander

  • Valerie Bianchi - Waste Prevention Advisor, Waikato Regional Council

  • Laurie Foon - Deputy Mayor of Wellington City

  • Sam Gray - Founder and Director of Ethical Waste, Ohakune

  • Ian Stupples - Localised


Questions from the audience

4:30 - 5:15

Free time

5:15 - 7:30

Special event  |  Panel Discussion  |  Networking

Zero Waste Solutions to Planetary Crises: Expert & political perspectives

Five topics, five experts, and a response from politicians. 


Join the Zero Waste Network and the Aotearoa Plastic Pollution Alliance for not one but TWO panels, facilitated by legendary broadcaster, Kim Hill, to discuss some of the most challenging issues facing our planet.


This event is ticketed separately and spaces are limited, so grab your tickets now to avoid disappointment!


Waste isn't just about landfills and plastic in the environment - sucking the earth's resources into the economy and spitting them back out again has an effect on the climate, biodiversity, human health, social justice and so much more. But what do we do about these multiple crises? 


Experts will speak to some of the most promising zero waste solutions to these crises: Bottle Deposits, Product Stewardship, the Right to Repair, using organic waste to restore degraded soils, and a global agreement to end plastic pollution, while also highlighting the false solutions that we must avoid.

​After a short break, MPs (politicians) will get a chance to respond to what they heard and discuss their position or policies on the key topic areas raised by the experts.


Grab your tickets, and arrive any time from 5:15pm onwards to network with others over locally-produced zero waste drinks and nibbles. The panels will start at 5:45pm sharp.

View panelists profiles here.

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